Pam Ivey

Would you like to use this article in your own blog or ezine? Awesome! Please feel free, and include the following: About: Pam Ivey International helps small business owners enhance their brand image, influence buyers, and generate revenue through comprehensive online marketing coaching and training programs. In real estate, we train and certify support professionals to become superior real estate assistants. And, Adventurous Life, takes men and women business owners, aged 40+, to bucket list destinations around the world to work, explore and live in community,

List Expansion Engine

List Expansion Engine

Introducing the “List Expansion Engine”, a proprietary method designed specifically for dynamic and sustainable email list growth. This strategy integrates psychological engagement, technological innovation, and community building to cultivate a deeply connected and rapidly expanding subscriber base. 1. Insight Activation (Discover) Objective: Tap into the core desires and pain points of your ideal audience. Use […]

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customer service

Delight: Retain Existing Customers and Encourage Referrals

In the journey of marketing, the ‘Delight’ stage is a crucial and often undervalued phase where businesses focus on providing exceptional customer service to not only retain existing customers but also to encourage referrals. Here are three actionable strategies to excel in the Delight stage of marketing: Personalized After-Sale Follow-Up: Post-purchase engagement can significantly impact

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Invite: Transition from Nurturing Your Audience to Directly Asking for the Sale

In the marketing funnel, the ‘Invite’ stage is pivotal. It’s where you transition from nurturing your audience to directly asking for the sale. This stage requires tact and strategy to convert your nurtured leads into customers effectively. Here are three actionable strategies to master the Invite stage in your marketing campaign:   Craft Compelling Calls-to-Action

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email list love

Nurture: Cultivate lasting Relationships with Your Email Subscribers

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, the ‘Nurture’ stage is crucial. It’s where businesses cultivate lasting relationships with their email subscribers. This stage is all about strengthening connections, providing value, and ultimately guiding subscribers towards making a purchase. Here are three actionable strategies to effectively nurture your email list:   Segment Your Email List:

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